9 Gammon Ave Atlanta, Georgia 30315


9 Gammon Avenue SE
Atlanta, GA 30315


 Directions from Downtown Atlanta


1.  Take I-85 South

(As you  pass Turner Field on your left; begin to get in the farthest right lane)

2.  Take Exit 244 – University Avenue.  (Sign will also say Atlanta Metro College)

After taking the exit;  bear to the LEFT  in either of the two left lanes going off the exit.

3.  Continue traveling and cross over Pryor Ave. Immediately get in your right-hand lane and continue to travel.


4.  Turn RIGHT onto McDonough Blvd

5.  Turn RIGHT  into the New Schools at Carver High (sign on street) entrance, and follow the main road up the hill to the stop sign.

– At the stop sign, turn LEFT  & follow the road all the way around to the back of the school

– On your left, you will see a fenced-in building with the sign:

“Georgia Citizens for Hunger Coalition”

– Enter the building and turn left into the YEA gymnasium and office


Directions  from the Airport or South of Downtown

1.  Take I-85 North

2.  Take Exit 244 and bear RIGHT onto University Ave

3.  Cross intersection (Pryor St) and stay in right lane.


4.  Turn RIGHT onto McDonough Blvd

5.  Turn RIGHT  into the New Schools at Carver High (sign on street) entrance, and follow the main road up the hill to the stop sign.

– At the stop sign, turn LEFT  & follow the road all the way around to the back of the school

– On your left, you will see a fenced-in building with the sign:

“Georgia Citizens for Hunger Coalition”

– Enter the building and turn left into the YEA gymnasium and office