9 Gammon Ave Atlanta, Georgia 30315

Spring 2017 Saturday Arts Classes (SAC) with YEA

2019 YEA Winter Auditions

Spring 2017 Saturday Arts Classes with YEA!


The Youth Ensemble of Atlanta (YEA) announces its Spring 2017 Saturday Arts Classes (SAC) for youth 5-15 years of age who are interested in the entertainment industry. Students will receive professional training in acting, dance and voice.

Classes are Saturdays from 9:00AM to 11:50AM, beginning Saturday, March 4, 2017, for eight (8) weeks. The cost for the 8 sessions is $160.00.  The cost is $150.00 if paid in full during the first two weeks of the program, or in advance.

YEA alumni currently perform throughout the US and around the world. They can be seen in TV shows, movies and on broadway. YEA, with an international reputation, has performed on the continents of North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.YEA was honored by the President’s Committee on the Arts & Humanities with the Coming Up Taller Award at the White House in 2008.

There are a limited number of slots available. Call today at (404) 652- 0515 or email yeanews@gmail.com to reserve a slot.

Where: YEA (on the campus of the New Schools at Carver) 9 Gammon Avenue, Atlanta 30315 (Directions) (5 minutes south of Turner Field)  


Please e-mail the registration form to debi [at] hotmail.com OR fax to 404.806.9217 For more information, please call 404-652-0515!